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  • Hugo Castillo LLC

How to take the most eye-catching photos of your home to grab attention in Idaho:

Updated: Jan 4, 2020

Pictures are a great way to give a glimpse of our world and the same goes for a home. Features you want to bring attention to are great to promote to your audience and we have some tips for you as you adjust your lens.

Lighting can be both your greatest help or able to jumble your photos and miss features you want to bring to light. Natural lighting is always the first pathway to take when it is available to you, opening blinds, windows or sky lights can light up the space to leave fluorescent lights out of the picture.

Arranging furniture/decor can free up a space to be more inviting and to show the possibilities that your rooms can accommodate. Along with establishing a bathroom setting, bedrooms, a kitchen setting or any other rooms that you want to highlight.

A landscape orientation is the greatest choice when it comes to capturing the entirety of your property. Even if it means standing feet away from living areas, it allows you to encompass the entire living space and give the home viewer a feel that they are having a walkthrough.

We hope all these help you to paint your home in the best light, any other inquiries please feel free to contact us.

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